
A brilliant smile in every selfie.


A brilliant smile in every selfie.


As experts in orthodontics, we help and support teenagers on the path towards optimal tooth and jaw alignment.

Vunder Orthodontics Jugendliche Festsitzende Zahnspange innen
Invisible lingual braces
As the leading specialist dental practice for the lingual technique, we can correct crooked teeth in teenagers invisibly and reliably using a lingual brace.
Vunder Orthodontics Jugendliche Aligner
Aligner treatment
As an alternative to a lingual brace, a series of transparent plastic aligners shift teeth into the right position, discreetly and comfortably.
Vunder Orthodontics Jugendliche Brackets
Brackets (metal or ceramic)
As a fixed brace on the outside of the teeth, brackets are attached to the front of the teeth and enable complex tooth movement.
Vunder Orthodontics Jugendliche kombiniert
Combined treatment methods
For complex misalignments, we use a range of different treatment techniques to help teenagers achieve a sparkling smile.
Removable night-time brace (headgear)
Headgear is usually worn at night and is used to treat a backward displacement of the lower jaw (mandibular retrusion).
Removable brace (plate brace)
A removable plate brace can be used for a wide range of orthodontic applications and can be made in a huge variety of colours.
Thermoformed splint relieves masticatory muscles
A thermoformed splint relieves the masticatory system, helps with teeth grinding and protects against excessive wear of the teeth.
Michigan splint (relieves masticatory muscles)
A Michigan splint is worn at night and is used to treat painful changes in the masticatory muscles or jaw joints.
Nowadays teenagers show off their braces without hesitation.
We support teenagers throughout the entire treatment period with how to look after their teeth, learning about healthy eating and useful preventative measures.


Does your child have misaligned teeth?

Vunder Orthodontics Jugendliche-Umgang Team
Our team enjoys the unique energy of children and teenagers.
VUNDER ORTHODONTICS ist die führende Fachzahnarztpraxis für Lingualtechnik. Für qualitätsbewusste Patienten, die eine vollständig unsichtbare Therapie wünschen, wird dank fundierter Planungskompetenz und jahrelanger Anwendungserfahrung der bestmögliche Behandlungserfolg garantiert.
VUNDER ORTHODONTICS is the leading specialist dental practice for lingual technology. For quality-conscious patients who want a completely invisible therapy, the best possible treatment success is guaranteed thanks to sound planning expertise and years of application experience.