More and more adults are recognising that they don’t have to put up with unsightly gaps or crooked teeth. From the lingual technique to aligner treatment, we offer almost completely invisible treatment methods to achieve the perfect smile.
Lingual technique (lingual braces)
These braces are fixed to the back of the teeth making them hardly visible at all. They are made to fit each individual tooth shape perfectly and correct crooked teeth with reliable results.
Invisalign aligner treatment
A series of transparent plastic aligners press gently on the teeth to shift them to exactly the right position.
Brackets (metal or ceramic)
Brackets are attached to the front of the teeth using special adhesive technology and as transparent ceramic brackets are very discreet.
Plate braces
Plate braces can be taken out by patients themselves and are used for a wide range of orthopaedic treatment applications.
Relief of the masticatory muscles
A thermoformed splint relieves the masticatory system, helps with teeth grinding and protects against excessive wear of the teeth.
Beautiful teeth and a sparkling smile – an attractive feature now more than ever.
Our patients are supported throughout the entire period of treatment by our professional dental assistants.
Undergoing treatment from an orthodontist is a matter of trust.
VUNDER ORTHODONTICS ist die führende Fachzahnarztpraxis für Lingualtechnik. Für qualitätsbewusste Patienten, die eine vollständig unsichtbare Therapie wünschen, wird dank fundierter Planungskompetenz und jahrelanger Anwendungserfahrung der bestmögliche Behandlungserfolg garantiert.
VUNDER ORTHODONTICS is the leading specialist dental practice for lingual technology. For quality-conscious patients who want a completely invisible therapy, the best possible treatment success is guaranteed thanks to sound planning expertise and years of application experience.